Length: 17:47, 127 pics
Categories: GG - 3 Girl, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 22:35, 100 pics
Categories: GG - 3 Girl, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, GG - Toys, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 24:10, 114 pics
Categories: GG - Ass Licking, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 31:00, 121 pics
Categories: GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, GG - Toys, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 15:15, 98 pics
Categories: GG - 69, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
Length: 24:50, 130 pics
Categories: GG - 3 Girl, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, GG - Toys, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 20:53, 190 pics
Categories: GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, GG - Strapon, Type - Girl~Girl
Length: 12:30, 210 pics
Categories: GG - Double Dildo, GG - Fingering, GG - Kissing, GG - Licking, GG - Toys, Type - Girl~Girl
Location: Indoors, Living Room
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All models were 18 years or older at the date of production which has been documented diligently. You may not use this site if you're not at least 18 years of age ordo not meet the age requirement to watch explicit pornography set forth by your respective domestic law.
Another magnificent scene by two of my favorite models, unfortunately very short video at only 10 minutes! I can see the video has been cut to pieces when watched carefully, if SE ever gets around to remastering the old 320p videos it would be nice if they would add the full uncut version of this video and many others which seem to start and stop abruptly, for example in this video the girls were reading books but the scene starts with them kissing, I would love to see more extracurricular activity rather than dive right into sex, I get more fulfillment out of a film when I see the models entertaining themselves in some form or fashion before sex, like maybe walking through the park or having a cup of tea at a local pub, or like in this case doing homework but of course that was cut and straight to the sex! The sex is excellent though I must say with the exception the dreaded toys make an appearance at about 5 minutes but miraculously they ditch the toys soon enough and return back to the most blissful female bodies writhing in ecstasy you will ever see, I love the opening sequence with Jana and Nika kissing and feeling each other up with clothes on and I love how the camera remained back enough to see what their hands are doing, the kissing is so gorgeous especially on shoulders necks and breast while slowly disrobing, with camera steady and level, I could literally watch that for hours! After the toys and near the end some of the prettiest kissing and groping I have ever seen, like I say a shame it's so short, please SE remaster these old 320p to 720p, there is a treasure trove of legacy video here it's a shame not to have better picture quality.